IEEE ComSoc Ecuador Chapter Winner of the 2015 Chapter Achievement Award, Latin America Region

By Hernán A. Samaniego Armijos - Ecuador Chapter Chair

The Ecuador Chapter of the IEEE Communications Society has 147 active members (as of Sept. 2015) between professionals and students in the area of telecommunications. The objective of the ComSoc Ecuador Chapter is to strengthen the professional growth of its members, creating spaces for sharing knowledge and technological advances in the area of communications. ComSoc Ecuador has four technical student chapters at the Technical University of Loja – UTPL, the Polytechnic School of the Coast – ESPOL, the National Polytechnic School – EPN, and the Technical University of the North – UTN.

IEEE ComSoc Ecuador Chapter

The executive committee is composed of:
Chair: Hernán Samaniego Armijos, Master in telematics and telecommunication networks, Manager of the National Telecommunications Corporation CNT-EP in Loja, and Visiting Professor at the Technical University of Loja – UTPL.
Vice-Chair: Vanessa Cuesta, Engineer in Electronics and Telecommunications, works for the Bank of Loja as a telecommunications technician.
Treasurer–Secretary: Eduardo Suarez, Engineer in Electronics and Telecommunications, works as an independent professional.

Organized Events: ComSoc Ecuador participated as the moderator in a workshop about Basic Infrastructure in the Plan of Territorialization and Innovation, integrating university, government, and industry, in the city of Loja in the south of Ecuador, proposing several projects taking advantage of Loja is an IEEE Smart City Affiliate. In addition, ComSoc Ecuador participated with a lecture on Smart Cities by Hernán Samaniego Armijos.

ComSoc Ecuador participated in the International Smart Grid and Smart Cities International Seminar in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador, where experts from prestigious appointments, professionals, and renowned companies in the field of Smart Grid and Smart Cities, are gathered to show expertise, practical experience and the progress that has been achieved so far in these fields. Hernán Samaniego Armijos gave a conference about wireless sensor networks for smart cities.

IEEE ComSoc Ecuador Chapter

In Ibarra City in the north of Ecuador ComSoc participated in the High Tech–Smart Cities: New Opportunities for Telecommunications Professionals in Ecuador, an event that had the participation of CNT EP, the Ecuador telecom company, and ARCOTEL, the telecommunications regulatory entity. Hernán Samaniego participated with a lecture on Sensor Networks for Smart Cities.

In addition, we took this opportunity to encourage the creation of the ComSoc technical chapter in the Northern Technical University – UTN Student Branch.

Summer Course on IP Telephony Systems: In order to prepare the professionals in communication multimedia services, ComSoc Ecuador made two webinars. “Introduction to the IP Telephony Systems” reviewed aspects related to the systems of traditional telephony, voice over IP and operating platforms for IP telephony systems, dictated by Daniel Guevara, who has several years of experience in this type of communications systems. “Protocols of VoIP” reviewed the protocols used in VoIP systems such as SIP/SDP/RTP/ RTCP/IAX, and was dictated by Hernán Samaniego Armijos, Master in telematics and telecommunication networks.

Chaskieee Project: Chasqui is the term used at the time of the Incas to identify the person responsible for the comunication between different tribes, and likewise a project called Chaskieee has been initiated. Professionals in ComSoc travel through different cities of Ecuador, giving lectures at the universities where ComSoc technical chapters have assets. This project is managed by Eduardo Suarez, Treasurer–Secretary of ComSoc Ecuador.

IEEE ComSoc Ecuador Chapter

Internet Day: With the purpose of commemorating the International Day of Telecommunications and Information Society, ComSoc Ecuador organized an event named Internet Day, with joint activities in Ibarra and Loja in collaboration with the UTPL and UTN ComSoc student technical chapters. Vanessa Cuesta, ComSoc Ecuador Vice-Chair, participated with a lecture about corporate social networks.

DLT Program: We are expecting the visit of ComSoc Distinguished Lectrurer Sonia Aissa in October 2015 in the cities of Guayaquil and Ibarra, discussing the topics: “Cognitive Radio” and “Energy Harvesting Communication Networks.”