IEEE BHARAT 6G Summit – Exploring the Future of Next-Generation Networks: Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore | 22 July 2023

By Anindya Saha - IEEE ComSoc Bangalore Chapter Chair, India

IEEE Communication Society Bangalore Chapter, in association with IEEE Future Networks, IEEE Bangalore Section, IEEE Signal Processing Society Bangalore Chapter, IEEE Future Networks, and IEEE 5G/6G Innovation Testbed organized the first ever IEEE BHARAT 6G SUMMIT at the prestigious Indian Institute of Science on July 22, 2023.

The summit focused on exploring the future of next-generation network technology, bringing in the latest research, insights, and innovations from leading experts in the telecommunications industry. Speakers from varied segments of industry, and academia delivered captivating talks that shed light on the future of 6G technology, covering network architecture, security, operations & management, adoption of AI/ML in 6G, and many more. Their visionary presentations inspired us and showcased the boundless possibilities that 6G offers for India and the global landscape. The event created a great platform for networking, and mind-share discussions amongst thought leaders, researchers, industry experts, and students.

Plenary Talks at the Summit

Dr. Navin Kumar, Amrita School of Engineering, past chair of multiple IEEE societies introduced the event and Chair to kick start the event. Dr. Anindya Saha, IEEE ComSoc Bangalore Chair, in his inaugural address, set the context and importance of the Bharat 6G Summit, the future of next-generation networks.

Dr. Kumar Sivarajan, CTO of Tejas Networks and IEEE Fellow, in his inaugural talk, presented the “IMT-2030 Framework and Bharat 6G Vision”. Dr. Kumar discussed varied IMT 2030 scenarios, including Immersive Communication, Integrated Sensing and Communication, Digital Twin and its influence on enhancing experiences, and Integrated AI and Communication, which fascinated the audience. The talk also highlighted “Ubiquitous Communication” and “Ubiquitous Connectivity” and their potential to uplift Rural India demonstrating a keen understanding of the diverse challenges and opportunities in the country.

Dr. Chandra Murthy, in his keynote focused on “Perspectives on 6G Communications” explored cutting-edge topics in 6G, shed light on the pioneering research activities at the Signal Processing for Communications Lab at ECE Dept, IISC, covering cell-free massive MIMO communications, mmWave channel estimation, channel tracking in massive MIMO systems, grant-free random access for massive machine-type communications, intelligent reflecting surfaces, and new waveforms were informative and inspiring.

Mr. Sridhar Bhaskaran from Rakuten Symphony India Pvt. Ltd. discussed “Open RAN Deployments in 5G and Path to Open RAN in 6G” highlighted open and flexible architectures in the evolution towards 6G, paving the way for multivendor interoperability, guiding the industry towards future advancements. Mr. Ashok Kumar Reddy C, Samsung Research Institute, delivered a talk on “AI/ML for 6G PHY” which triggered researchers to delve deeper into AI/ML-driven advancements in the 6G PHY domain. Dr. Parthajit Mohapatra, IIT Tirupati, in his insightful talk on “Physical Layer Secrecy in 6G Systems” highlighted the role of physical layer security in ensuring trustworthiness in the face of diverse challenges. Mr. Satish K of Nokia delivered a thought-provoking talk on “Challenges and Opportunities in Building Sustainable 6G Networks” which showcased the importance of energy efficiency in 6G network design, addressing global energy and environmental concerns. Mr.DEBORSI BASU’s talk on “Soft6: Erasing Digital Divide Leveraging Softwarized 6G” highlighted innovative solutions for bridging the digital divide and achieving global connectivity. Mr. RaviKanth Pasumarthy’s discussion on “Realization of NTN Solutions Based on O-RAN Architecture” provided valuable insights into building 5G NTN networks with an open and disaggregated approach. Ms. Gnanapriya C delivered a talk on “AI-powered Telco Network Cloud Automation” which enriched our understanding of AI integration and automation in the telecommunications industry, empowering us to shape the future of connected intelligent things.

Lightning Talks at the Summit

Mr. Vinay Shrivastava, from Reliance Jio Infocom Ltd, talked on “6G Spectrum: Why, What & How!” unveiled the groundbreaking potential of the 6G spectrum, addressing the why, what, and how it will be crucial in the 6G landscape. Mr. Pranav Jha, IIT Bombay, presented on “Network Architecture for 6G Systems” which ignited curiosity about the critical architectural improvements needed for adaptable, self-optimizing, scalable architecture for next-generation networks. Mr. Ram Kumar Sharma, Ericsson Global Services, lightning talk on “AI-powered RAN” showcased the potential of AI/ML technologies to revolutionize communication service providers’ networks. Mr. Mahantesh Kothiwale, Samsung Research Institute, lightning talk on “Envision of Compute Platforms and Cloud Computing for 6G Networks” delved into the role of computing platforms in shaping the future of 6G as an AI-native technology. Ms. Neha Sharma, Samsung Research India, delivered a talk on “6G Network Architecture and Security” which emphasized the importance of envisioning secure and trustworthy 6G networks. Mr. Vinosh Babu James, Qualcomm Intl. Inc., lightning talk on “The Connected Intelligent Edge” explored how AI can enhance cellular performance and transform wireless communications. Mr. Anand Mohandas, Center for Development of Telematics, lightning talk on “IEEE 802.15.3 d/e/f: Sub-Terahertz Band Communications Standard toward 6G” shed light on the feasibility of Terahertz for wireless communications. Dr. Rashmi Kamran Bhatia, Ph.D., IIT Bombay, lightning talk on “Towards Green 6G: Energy Aware Service Delivery” highlighted the significance of energy awareness in designing sustainable 6G networks. Mr. Balaji Raghothaman, Keysight Technologies, lightning talk on “Harnessing the Power of Digital Twins throughout the 6G Lifecycle” showcased the transformative potential of digital twins in optimizing wireless networks.

Dr. Ashutosh Dutta, IEEE Fellow and founding Co-Chair of IEEE Future Networks, delivered an insightful and enlightening keynote talk titled “IEEE INGR (International Network Generation Roadmap) Vision and Path to 6G” at the summit. His talk provided a comprehensive overview of the vision and work undertaken by the IEEE Future Networks Technical Community (FNTC), the IEEE International Networks Generations Roadmap (INGR), and the IEEE 5G/6G Innovation Testbed Initiatives. Dr. Ashutosh Dutta’s talk highlighted the ongoing activities within various standards communities, open-source consortiums, and large-scale NSF testbeds, as well as the deployment use case scenarios, emphasizing the collaborative efforts that drive progress in this field. The audience greatly appreciated the insights and knowledge shared during the talk.

The intellectual day came to a close with a heartful vote of thanks from Mr. Subhas Mondal, Chair-Elect of IEEE ComSoc Bangalore Chapter. He thanked the organizers, speakers, and participants for their contributions in making the event a great success.

The IEEE Bharat 6G Summit has set the stage for revolutionary advancements in 6G technology, shaping the future of connectivity and communication. #IEEE6GSummit #FutureOfConnectivity #TechInnovation. The event covered a range of topics in the drive towards 6G technology, from network architecture, orchestration and management, AI/ML, and security from eminent speakers, provided an opportunity to collaborate and network, to shape the world of telecommunications and connectivity, an excellent experience for the participants.