QuantumIT Fact Check and CEO’s Talk, “Quantum-Safe Security 2020”
Keattisak Sripimanwat - Chair, IEEE ComSoc Thailand Chapter

n parallel with the annual meeting of the IEEE Thailand Section on November 2020, one of the most interesting topics as a keynote speech was given, covering the aspects of quantum technology, particularly quantum cryptography. Dr. Grégoire Ribordy, the founder of ID Quantique (iDQ), presented a 40-minute online talk. In the session of quantum information technology for communications security, he recalled his 19 years of quantum technology startup and updated how far iDQ has grown. He presented a number of tips for those who have no technical background, such as the basic of quantum key distribution (QKD), the second quantum revolution, quantum random number generator (QRNG) in 5G phone, quantum tech security in a Korean 5G network, investment on quantum technology around the world, and many others...