// October 2016

By Karol Molnar - TSP 2016 General Chair and Norbert Herencsar - TSP 2016 Deputy Chair and IEEE Czechoslovakia Section CAS/COM/SP Joint Chapter Chair

The 39th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP) was hosted by the pulsing city of Vienna, Austria 27–29 June, 2016. Under the patronage of IEEE Region 8, the IEEE Austria Section, the IEEE Czechoslovakia Section, the IEEE Czechoslovakia Section SP/CAS/COM Joint Chapter, the IEEE Croatia Section Communications Chapter, industrial partners and exhibitors, CESNET Czech Republic, Flaxcom Holding Corporation Hungary, and Honeywell International s.r.o.

By Sattar B. Sadkhan - Chair of IEEE ComSoc Iraq Chapter

The IEEE Iraq Section, the IEEE ComSoc Iraq Chapter, and the IEEE CIS Iraq Chapter, scientifically support the “Jaffar Al-Sadiq University” in Baghdad in its hosting of the IEEE International Conference on Multidisciplinary in IT and Communication Science and Applications (AIC-MITCSA) 9–10 May 2016.

By Jason O’Rourke - Pacific Telecommunications Council and Stephen McClelland - Pacific Telecommunications Council

The Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) exists to make, and mobilize, big ICT connections in the Asia-Pacific region. Big connections are needed between leaders in the world of ICT in terms of advancing dialogue and professional relationships. Big connections are also needed between identifying the new ICT technologies now emerging and understanding the possibilities they represent. But the biggest connections of all are needed for the two billion people unable to participate in the digital society because they lack ICT facilities.